Return & Exchange

The consumer has the right to return or exchange the product for a similar product from the seller from whom it was purchased if the product does not satisfy it in shape, size, style, color, size, or for other reasons cannot be used for its intended purpose. The consumer has the right to exchange goods of good quality within 10 days, excluding the day of purchase. The phone must be like new, charging must not be used, only accepted if the box is open and other accessories have not been used, charger, protective bumper.

Provided that all factory seals and films are not removed, removed or glued, not damaged, and the phone is new, the box is in the same condition as at the time of sale. The set must be complete, the cord to the charger must not be unpacked, all protective rubber bands must be in place. If you removed the films or seals, the phone cannot be returned.
If 5G does not work in your area, this cannot be a reason for a return. 

Exchange / return of goods is made:

- if the phone was opened and a factory defect was found, you can return the phone with the box open. If you open the box, remove the seals and use the charger and accessories and the phone in working order, you cannot return it.

You can return:

- if not used;
- if its presentation is preserved;
- while maintaining the consumer properties of the seal, label, film;

The goods cannot be returned and exchanged:

             - headphones after printing and use.

             - Original accessories for mobile phones after opening the original packaging.

             - Mobile phones with traces of use, removed factory films and seals, without preserving the presentation of the product or packaging.

    Products of inadequate quality:
- The goods with the barque must first undergo diagnostics in the service center, and then, based on the conclusion of the service center, a decision will be made about the possibility / possibility of returning or exchanging the goods. The procedure takes 2 to 5 days. The courier will pick up the goods for return at the address you specify.

Where to contact in case of warranty repair / return / exchange?

- You can contact the following contacts:


Online support the 7 days a week, 12/24 hours.

Transportation costs for return / exchange / repair / diagnostics

             - All shipping costs free if your case is under warranty.


Presentation: A new product is sold with factory protective films, this is one of the factors determining the presentation. Open charging, headset, any wiring and battery are covered with protective films. The buyer must remember that damage to these packaging elements cancel exchange exchange.

iPhone Dubai UAE reserves the right to refuse to provide a refund for any products in circumstances where it is clear that the goods have been used (such as, without limitation, having their packaging tampered with or no longer being in original packaging) or where such a refund would be prohibited by law or regulation in any country that could be held to have jurisdiction over that refund.

Exchange old phones

At the moment we are not changing old versions to new ones with surcharge in UAE.